Handbooks & Booklists

2024 Handbooks & Booklists

Primary Booklists & Handbooks

Kindy: Handbook  (K-2)Booklist
Pre Primary:  Handbook (K-2)Booklist
Years 1 - 2:  Handbook (Years K-2)Booklist
Years 3 - 6:  Handbook (Years 3-6)Booklist

Secondary Booklists & Handbooks

2024 Secondary Booklists must be ordered through Campion Education :
  1. Click on the link https://www.campion.com.au/, a new account may need to be created with Campion.
  2. Enter the Resource list code 8J3V
  3. Then select the relevant year group for your child.  Below is a PDF version of the booklist we recommend viewing prior to purchase at our supplier.

Year 7: Booklist

Year 8: Booklist

Year 9: Booklist

Year 10: Booklist

Year 11: Booklist

Year 12: Booklist