
Laying a foundation for
children to learn and grow

Primary School is such an important time for children, both socially and academically, as the foundation is laid for lifelong learning.

We know that learning is enhanced when students feel positive about their school environment, so we work hard to inspire a lifelong love of learning, building happy, fulfilled, and confident students.

Year 1 – 6 classes offer well-balanced academic programs that enable students to explore their interests and develop their personal strengths. There is a focus on developing each child’s numeracy and literacy skills through consistent learning programs. Students will also learn about Christian values as part of their daily learning.

Reggio Emilia

We focus on effective teaching of literacy and numeracy whilst also being influenced by a Reggio Emilia approach in our teaching and learning. Educators respond to children’s ideas, and in turn link these ideas to extend each student’s knowledge in multiple areas of learning.

Projects provide opportunities for students to work in collaboration; exploring ideas and testing hypotheses.

Online and project-based learning opportunities encourage our students to focus, participate, and fully engage in their learning.

Your Child as an Individual

Recognising individual differences and establishing clear learning pathways for all children is the key to optimising educational opportunities and outcomes. At South Coast, primary years education focuses on educating the whole child, supporting our students to become creative and confident learners.

Differentiation in the classroom promotes critical and creative thinking processing skills, while programs in spelling, reading, grammar and mathematics curriculum are well sequenced to ensure effective student transition between year groups. Learning support is offered in the form of Extension or Remediation to those students who require additional intervention.

As well as providing specialist lessons in Visual Arts, Digital Technology, Physical Education, Music, Sport and Language (LOTE – Chinese), our primary students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities such as Sport, Computing, Musicals, Junior Choir and Chess. Excursions and special events also feature throughout the year.

Above all, our goal is to educate and grow students who reflect the College values in their everyday work, demeanour, and interactions with others, both within the school and in the wider community.

SCBC is the first choice school in Rockingham, Waikiki, Kwinana, Secret Harbour and surrounding areas.